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Everything that you need to be successful is already in you...You just need to be reminded of who you already are. You are enough!

Do You Speak Our Language (DYSOL) is a group of individuals united by the fundamental belief that communication has a tremendous impact on who we are , who we can be, and what we can do together. Communication and compassion can give us the power to understand one another and how we individually process; DYSOL will help to unite that power to achieve a deeper understanding of various countries, cultures, and people. Love is a universal language given to all created. If you are a person who feels left out, rejected, set apart, different, or often misunderstood DYSOL will help you gain a better understanding of knowing who you are and who you were created to be. DYSOL is not about race, ethnic background, culture, or economic status. 










Speak Life Project is a teaching of (9) internal principle’s to help discover the gift that lies on the inside. The teaching of these principles will guide enlightenment and provide awareness to the mind of each person which will impact the way that they see themselves, others, their education, their home life, their employment, or the community they live in. This will increase their ability to learn, process, and assist in being a better form of themselves. DYSOL will teach individuals to discover and love who they are, eliminating the need to criticize, attack, and belittle others because of their differences. Speak Life reminds you of who you were already created to be. 



Speak Life Project



Rehabilitation Of Inmates


Motivational Speaking



Public Relations


Do You Speak Our Language

Do You Speak Our Language was birthed from an insecurity that I discovered in myself just three years ago, not feeling like I was good enough. For years my hairdresser would tell me “get out of the mirror. You cannot even see how nice your hair looks because you are focused on that one little imperfect piece, that no one else can even see.” I would discover years later that I was striving for a level of perfection that I could never meet.


Even though I grew up being known by many, very few really experienced me. Feeling frustrated and upset by being misunderstood I often tried my best to explain which only resulted in being called aggressive, overbearing, manipulative, and controlling. I was often misunderstood, rejected, set apart, and I felt like no one understood the language that I spoke. Life for me was very lonely on the inside and I lived in a world into which I would never fit. Every time I was rejected or spoke down to, my own voice would whisper, “You are not worthy to be loved because you are not good enough.”  The negative words of people around me confirmed the belief that I was not good enough and always kept me searching for love and validation.


By practicing the Speak life Curriculum and retraining my pre-conditioned thoughts of who I was, I discovered the love and greatness that I was looking for was already on the inside of me. It gave me a whole new outlook on life, on people, and how beautiful I really was. It shaped my perception to discover a whole new world and a whole new me. I became aware of the words that I spoke to others, realizing that I, too, played a part in shaping how other people see themselves.


Experiencing this silent pain as a child into adulthood developed in me a heavy burden and awareness to the significant need of teaching children at a young age “who they already are." DYSOL reminds those who have forgotten through their layers of negative experiences and conditioned perceptions the original intention of their existence. 


As a society we are taught to look outwardly, but looking from within is the true key to success. Renewing the mind gives people a better chance at beating the odds and refutes the notion that they have no choice; besides playing the cards that they were dealt. The way that we see life, ourselves, and other people comes from the light that shines from our own mind.   

The program suggests that renewing the mind will transform the behavior. It will bring awareness to each person of who they are and will help them to tap into their inner gifts. Internal conversion brings external success. Regardless of their current or past situations, circumstances, and experiences it shows them how to be resilient and to pick up the pen to take responsibility to write the next chapter of their story.



Cheyja Andrews

Tel: 804-402-1185

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